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Поделиться2072010-01-14 03:47:33
Xanax is a brand itself and also a generic drug used to treat patients who have problems such as anxiety, depression, panic, and GAD. It can have a variety of effects. Being a benzodiazepine, the most typical effects are:
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It is known to stimulate our gamma-amino butyric acid which is a natural relaxant and affects the nerve signals that are being sent to the brain. The usual side effects are:
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Поделиться2082010-01-14 05:04:33
Xanax is a brand itself and also a generic drug used to treat patients who have problems such as anxiety, depression, panic, and GAD. It can have a variety of effects. Being a benzodiazepine, the most typical effects are:
* Drowsiness
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It is known to stimulate our gamma-amino butyric acid which is a natural relaxant and affects the nerve signals that are being sent to the brain. The usual side effects are:
* Mood swings
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Поделиться2102010-01-14 07:22:04
Xanax is a brand itself and also a generic drug used to treat patients who have problems such as anxiety, depression, panic, and GAD. It can have a variety of effects. Being a benzodiazepine, the most typical effects are:
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It is known to stimulate our gamma-amino butyric acid which is a natural relaxant and affects the nerve signals that are being sent to the brain. The usual side effects are:
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